NTPTL also supplies the following new innovative high quality materials: Contact: www.biofilterblocks.com /
 Bio-filter blocks(8"x 8"x 4"),Bio filter plates(8"x 8"x 1"),
cubes(2" x 2" x 2")
effective,removes ammonia and nitrite suitable for fresh water and salt water environments
 Toilet deodorizer, wardrobe deodorizer,Shoe Deodorizer,Frdige
Deodorizer,Car Deodorizer,Pet deodorizer, carpet deodorizer
    -Eliminate Tough
Odors and Fragrance Free.
 Anti Skid Coat                   - Suitable for areas like Offices, Walking paths, bathrooms and so on. Contact: www.coolrooftechnologies.com/
 Water Proof Coat             - High resistance to water penetration & abrasion
 Cool Roof Coat                  - Super Roof Cool Coat with high SRI value of more than 112
 Cool Wall Coat                  - Super Cool coat with high SRI value of more than 100
 Cool Pavement Coat        - Super Cool coat with high SRI value of between 40 and 60
 Water Repellent Coat      - Super hydrophobic coating that repells water and oils.